The Healing Point

Facial Rejuvenation

Natural Primary Healthcare Provider located in West Sayville, NY

Facial Rejuvenation

About Facial Rejuvenation

Are you looking for a natural, safe way to revitalize your skin and combat aging? The Healing Point, led by Eon Suhanee, L.Ac, offers excellent facial rejuvenation sessions to patients of all ages. Located in West Sayville, New York, the practice utilizes skillful acupuncture to improve circulation, promote collagen production, and give you a glowing complexion. To schedule an appointment, call the practice today or use the convenient online booking tool.  

Facial Rejuvenation Q&A

How can acupuncture provide facial rejuvenation? 

Facial acupuncture is a safe alternative to other rejuvenation methods, like surgery or Botox®. This non-invasive cosmetic treatment is an extension of traditional acupuncture and utilizes thin needles to stimulate acupuncture points on your face.

A facial rejuvenation session can address signs of aging and also make your skin look refreshed, younger, and all-around healthier. 

What can facial rejuvenation treat? 

A facial rejuvenation appointment can: 

  • Improve your facial blood circulation 
  • Promote collagen production and muscle tone 
  • Plump and tighten your skin
  • Reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and puffiness 
  • Minimize pores
  • Lift drooping eyelids
  • Improve pigmentary changes
  • Create a youthful, radiant complexion 

Acupuncture is a natural and holistic way to improve your skin’s overall health.

What happens during a facial rejuvenation treatment? 

Your acupuncturist first completes a full-body acupuncture treatment before moving on to the facial portion. Starting with your body allows you to experience a full flow of energy that supports facial acupuncture.

Your acupuncturist then inserts 40-70 tiny, painless needles into your face. When the needles puncture your skin, they create small wounds, or positive microtraumas. When your body detects these wounds, it goes into repair mode. 

This repair mode stimulates your lymphatic and circulatory systems, which deliver nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells. This process naturally nourishes your skin, evens out your complexion, and promotes a glowing appearance. 

Acupuncture also triggers collagen production, which can improve your skin’s elasticity and texture, and minimize wrinkles and fine lines. 

You may see improvements after just five sessions of facial acupuncture with The Healing Point, but 10 treatments can create optimal results. After your 10 sessions, you can receive treatments every four to eight weeks to maintain your skin’s health and appearance.  

Are there side effects associated with facial rejuvenation acupuncture? 

You should avoid facial acupuncture if you have a blood clotting disorder or if you're taking blood thinners; they can increase side effects.


Facial rejuvenation acupuncture with The Healing Point is safe, and side effects are typically minimal and may include:

  • Soreness
  • Itching
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Dry skin peeling

To learn more about expert facial rejuvenation services, call The Healing Point today or schedule an appointment online.